Data Entry Form Connected With Database (Excel Sheet)
VBA Code -
Option Explicit
Dim curRecNo As Long
Private Sub btnFirst_Click()
If Me.cmbEmpName.ListCount > 0 Then
Me.cmbEmpName.ListIndex = 0
curRecNo = Me.cmbEmpName.ListIndex + 1
Me.lblCurrentRecNo.Caption = "Record No.: " & curRecNo
End If
End Sub
Private Sub btnLast_Click()
If Me.cmbEmpName.ListCount > 0 Then
Me.cmbEmpName.ListIndex = Me.cmbEmpName.ListCount - 1
curRecNo = Me.cmbEmpName.ListCount
Me.lblCurrentRecNo.Caption = "Record No.: " & curRecNo
End If
End Sub
Private Sub btnNext_Click()
If Me.cmbEmpName.ListCount > 0 Then
If Me.cmbEmpName.ListIndex = Me.cmbEmpName.ListCount - 1 Then
Me.cmbEmpName.ListIndex = 0
Me.cmbEmpName.ListIndex = Me.cmbEmpName.ListIndex + 1
End If
curRecNo = Me.cmbEmpName.ListIndex + 1
Me.lblCurrentRecNo.Caption = "Record No.: " & curRecNo
End If
End Sub
Private Sub btnPrevious_Click()
If Me.cmbEmpName.ListCount > 0 Then
If Me.cmbEmpName.ListIndex = 0 Then
Me.cmbEmpName.ListIndex = Me.cmbEmpName.ListCount - 1
Me.cmbEmpName.ListIndex = Me.cmbEmpName.ListIndex - 1
End If
curRecNo = Me.cmbEmpName.ListIndex + 1
Me.lblCurrentRecNo.Caption = "Record No.: " & curRecNo
End If
End Sub
Private Sub btnSearch_Click()
Dim searchStr As String
Dim idx As Integer
searchStr = Me.tbFind.Text
For idx = 0 To Me.cmbEmpName.ListCount - 1
If VBA.InStr(1, VBA.LCase(Me.cmbEmpName.List(idx)), VBA.LCase(searchStr)) Then
Me.lstFind.AddItem (Me.cmbEmpName.List(idx))
End If
Next idx
If Me.lstFind.ListCount > 0 Then
Me.lstFind.ListIndex = 0
MsgBox ("This record does not exist in database")
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmbEmpName_Click()
Dim Ws As Worksheet
Dim CRow As Integer, TRow As Integer
Dim empNameID() As String
Dim empName As String, empID As String
Set Ws = Sheets("Employee Records")
empNameID = VBA.Split(Me.cmbEmpName.Text, " - ")
empName = empNameID(0)
empID = empNameID(1)
Me.tbEmpID.Text = empID
Me.tbEmpName.Text = empName
TRow = Ws.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For CRow = 2 To TRow
If Ws.Range("A" & CRow).Value = empID Then
Me.tbDesignation.Text = Ws.Range("C" & CRow).Value
Me.tbGender.Text = Ws.Range("D" & CRow).Value
Me.tbDOJ.Text = Ws.Range("E" & CRow).Value
Me.tbAddress.Text = Ws.Range("F" & CRow).Value
'********* image ***********
If VBA.Dir(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Employee Images\" & empID & ".jpg") <> "" Then
Me.imgEmpImage.Picture = LoadPicture(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Employee Images\" & empID & ".jpg")
Me.imgEmpImage.Picture = LoadPicture(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Employee Images\" & "No Image.jpg")
End If
GoTo EX1
End If
Next CRow
curRecNo = Me.cmbEmpName.ListIndex + 1
Me.lblCurrentRecNo.Caption = "Record No.: " & curRecNo
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub lstFind_Click()
Me.cmbEmpName.Text = Me.lstFind.Text
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim CRow As Integer, TRow As Integer
Dim Ws As Worksheet
Set Ws = Sheets("Employee Records")
TRow = Ws.Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For CRow = 2 To TRow
Me.cmbEmpName.AddItem Ws.Range("B" & CRow).Value & " - " & Ws.Range("A" & CRow).Value
Next CRow
If Me.cmbEmpName.ListCount > 0 Then
Me.cmbEmpName.ListIndex = 0
curRecNo = Me.cmbEmpName.ListIndex + 1
Me.lblCurrentRecNo.Caption = "Record No. : " & Me.cmbEmpName.ListIndex + 1
End If
End Sub
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